How to buy a bike on facebook marketplace

How to buy a bike on facebook marketplace

If you’re just starting out in triathlon, you don’t need to go all in on the bike. In fact, we recommend finding a bare-boned basic on Facebook Marketplace and upgrading later if you decide you love it.

We recommend starting with a road bike for triathlon, although there are plenty of types of bikes to choose from: TT bike, gravel bike, mountain bike, e-bike, commuter bike, even a beach cruiser would get the job done, though it would slow you down quite a bit. A decent secondhand road bike will cost between $500-$1000 and don’t be afraid to haggle–you’ll miss the thrill of the hunt!

A few tips as you search:

  • Check the frame for rust spots, dents, and cracks. Chips and scrapes are fine, but damage to the frame could indicate that the bike has crashed and potentially be unsafe to ride.

  • Ask to take it for a test ride and practice using the brakes.

  • Check the user’s seller rating and listing history–many used bikes were stolen, so do a lil research to ensure you’re making an ethical purchase.

  • Take your bike to your local shop for a tune-up. They’ll fit your bike to your body and get you the tires, grip tape, chain, etc. so your bike feels brand new.


Search for “women’s bikes” and choose an option based on how tall you are.

your height / frame size / bike size

4’10” – 5’3″ / 46-50cm / Extra Small

5’3″ – 5’5″ / 50 – 52cm / Small

5’5″ – 5’7″ / 52 – 54cm / Small – Medium

5’7″ – 5’9″ / 54 – 56cm / Medium

5’9″ – 5’11” / 56 – 58cm / Medium – Large

5’11” – 6’2″/58 – 60cm/ Large

6’2″ – 6’5″/60 – 62cm /Extra Large

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