Our Blogs

10 Reasons to Do a Triathlon
10. COMMUNITY. Anyone who has ever lived in LA can tell you that finding a solid friend group is challenging. Personally, I had a hard time finding cool, ambitious women...
10 Reasons to Do a Triathlon
10. COMMUNITY. Anyone who has ever lived in LA can tell you that finding a solid friend group is challenging. Personally, I had a hard time finding cool, ambitious women...

Why carbs are every triathlete’s friend
When I did my first half-iron distance triathlon, I finished but it wasn't pretty. As a dietitian, I knew it was important to hydrate and fuel during the race. But...
Why carbs are every triathlete’s friend
When I did my first half-iron distance triathlon, I finished but it wasn't pretty. As a dietitian, I knew it was important to hydrate and fuel during the race. But...

How to buy a bike on facebook marketplace
If you’re just starting out in triathlon, you don’t need to go all in on the bike. In fact, we recommend finding a bare-boned basic on Facebook Marketplace and upgrading...
How to buy a bike on facebook marketplace
If you’re just starting out in triathlon, you don’t need to go all in on the bike. In fact, we recommend finding a bare-boned basic on Facebook Marketplace and upgrading...

Missing Pieces to the Triathlon Training Puzzle
If you do an internet search for ‘Triathlon Training’, you’ll see every possible combination of training imaginable. It’s obvious there’s no shortage of opinions about structuring your workout schedule, which...
Missing Pieces to the Triathlon Training Puzzle
If you do an internet search for ‘Triathlon Training’, you’ll see every possible combination of training imaginable. It’s obvious there’s no shortage of opinions about structuring your workout schedule, which...

What Should I Wear for my first triathlon?
The short answer is: whatever you’re comfortable in. For your first triathlon, you don’t need to invest in a brand new, expensive tri suit. Wear what you know you’ll feel...
What Should I Wear for my first triathlon?
The short answer is: whatever you’re comfortable in. For your first triathlon, you don’t need to invest in a brand new, expensive tri suit. Wear what you know you’ll feel...

5 Minutes With Priscilla Vega
We first met Priscilla last summer when she was selected to be a Tortis ambassador at the Malibu Triathlon, requiring her to swim on a relay with two other women...
5 Minutes With Priscilla Vega
We first met Priscilla last summer when she was selected to be a Tortis ambassador at the Malibu Triathlon, requiring her to swim on a relay with two other women...